SYF group please take note!
Here are the confirmed dates and timings for practices during the June holidays:
2nd & 4th of June: 12.30 PM to 2.30 PM
23rd of June: 3.30PM to 5.30PM
25th of June: 08.00 AM to 01.00 PM
23rd of June: 3.30PM to 5.30PM
25th of June: 08.00 AM to 01.00 PM
Please remember to bring your own food (in case your stomach grumbles during practice hahaha). No junk food please! You still need to take care of our voices. Also, do have a heavy lunch/breakfast alright, you need sufficient energy to sing!
Give it your all and attend the following practices, it's the final drill yo! Let's put up an amazing performance! I'm sure you want to prove your classmates/schoolmates wrong. We cannot let people ciriticise us all the way. It's a great platform for all of us to improve and to show the school our true potential!
"You can't do anything to change the fact that something had happened. But you can do something to change the future that is yet to come."
With lotsa love,
Ili {: